Paint.NET 是一款适用于 Windows 的免费图像编辑软件,以其轻量、易用和强大的功能著称。易于使用的图像编辑软件,适合广泛的用户群体。
图像编辑: 支持裁剪、旋转、调整大小、翻转等基本操作。
图层: 提供图层功能,便于非破坏性编辑和复杂图像合成。
特效: 内置多种特效,如模糊、锐化、浮雕等,并可扩展更多特效。
调整: 支持亮度、对比度、色相、饱和度等调整,以及曲线、色阶等高级工具。
绘图: 提供画笔、形状、填充、渐变等绘图工具。
文字: 支持添加和编辑文字,具备多种字体和样式选择。
插件: 支持插件扩展,用户可根据需要添加新功能。
其他: 包括历史记录、撤销/重做、多语言界面等功能。
免费开源: 完全免费,代码开源。
轻量快速: 体积小,启动和运行速度快。
界面简洁: 界面直观,易于上手。
功能强大: 提供丰富的图像编辑工具。
社区活跃: 拥有活跃的用户社区,提供丰富的教程和插件资源。
更新日志 5.1.4
Dec 20, 2024
Notes about supported hardware:
Examples of CPUs with AVX2 include:
Intel Core 4th generation (Haswell, 2013) or newer
AMD Ryzen 1st generation (2017) or newer.
For a list of GPUs that support Direct3D 11, see the “11_0” row in the table at
For HDR and WCG displays, Paint.NET will be able to make use of the display’s full color gamut and Windows will manage color accuracy and consistency. Images will not be clamped to sRGB’s color gamut.
For SDR displays, Paint.NET will operate in sRGB mode which means images will be clamped to sRGB’s color gamut. This ensures consistent color reproduction, but color accuracy depends on the display itself being configured for sRGB as well.
Notes about unsupported hardware:
Intel/AMD CPUs without AVX2 will still work but will be slower. Our testing and optimization efforts no longer include Intel/AMD CPUs without AVX2.
CPUs with less than 4 cores will still work but will be slower.
An HDD will work but will have slow performance and it is not supported. Our testing and optimization efforts no longer include HDDs.
GPUs that do not support Direct3D 11 cannot be used, relegating those tasks to the CPU. Performance will be slower, and some effects may take an excruciatingly long time to render.
Paint.NET(图像和照片处理软件) v5.1.4 中文绿色版
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